domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011



-Avoid a broad spectrum of issues that arise when burning fossil fuels.
- As an alternative to fossil fuels like coal or oil, we would avoid the problem of so-called global warming, qual, is believed to have a more important influence on global climate change.
-would improve the quality of air we breathe with all this imply in the reduction of disease and quality of life.


  -Accidents waste.
  - Reheating rivers 
  - Diseases caused by radioactivity                  
 - Radioactive contamination of the environment
  - Radioactive waste disposal



-Once your installation costs are originated, and consumption is free.
-Do not use fuels, preventing the discomfort and danger.
-The solar energy or waste.


- You have to install in a place where solar radiation.
- Have some performance



- Produce clean energy does not emit "greenhouse", does not cause acid rain, and produce toxic emissions.
- The water cycle makes it an inexhaustible resource.


-Dams become insurmountable for species like salmon, they have to go up rivers to spawn. For its part, the dams affect the river beds, causing erosion, and affect the overall ecosystem.
- Water depletion.



-They are cheaper to build, especially coal, due to the simplicity of construction and the large amount of energy generated.
-The ash produced during combustion can be used in the construction.

-The use of fossil fuels creates greenhouse gas emissions and acid rain emissions to air, with flying particles that may contain heavy metals.
-Adversely affect river ecosystems due to the discharge of hot water in them.
-When fossil fuels a renewable energy source, its use is limited to the duration of the reserves and profitability.




-Is a type of renewable energy as it has its origin in atmospheric processes due to the energy that reaches Earth from the sun.
-It is a clean energy because it produces no atmospheric emissions or polluting waste.
-It requires a fuel that produces carbon dioxide (CO2), so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect and climate change.

-Due to the lack of security in the presence of wind, wind energy can not be used as the sole source of electrical power.
-Appropriate sites for installation often coincide with the routes of migratory birds, or areas where the birds take advantage of slope winds, which makes wind turbines would conflict with birds and bats.
-Within the wind farm will produce noise pollution, due to the noise they produce, but at about 1500 m away from the noise stops.


The different electric power centrals are:           
 - wind
 - Thermoelectric
 - hydroelectric
 - solar
 - nuclear
Power plants are the different plants responsible for production of electricity and are located generally in the vicinity of basic energy sources (rivers, coal deposits, etc.)..
They can also be located close to large cities and industrial areas, where energy consumption is high.

Generators or alternators are the machines responsible for obtaining electricity. These machines are powered by prime movers. The prime mover with the generator form a group called.

For me the advantages that electric power is that energy can be many possible ways and there are new forms. Because of this, every day we have electricity and makes it easier to everyday life.
More and more power plants that are less polluting to the environment, are called renewable power plants that produce renewable energy.
Power plants also have drawbacks, which are different depending on the type of power plant. Let us now see the advantages and disadvantages of each type of power plant.